Facebook Sued Because Tapping Personal Data

Facebook sued over alleged privacy violations. Popular social networking site in the world that has allegedly wiretapping a private message by using the data from the personal message to be sold to advertisers.

Both plaintiffs, Michael Hurley and Matthew Campbell is a blogger Arkansas filed a class action lawsuit to Facebook through the District Court of Northern California. This blog about Information Technology and The Latest Gadgets.

They accuse Facebook has scanned a personal message with the URL. This data is then used for the purpose of data mining and user data profiles (user profiling). Facebook claimed to have violated the Privacy Act Electronic Communications (Electronic Communications Privacy Act.

Practice tapping personal data carried Facebook allows Facebook to mine personal profit by selling data to other parties such as advertisers.

"Fill a Facebook message that 'personal' create profit opportunities for Facebook, because users believe that they are communicating on a service that is free from oversight, but apparently not," said Campbell.

In response to these demands, the Facebook spokesman spoke. "We believe these allegations are unfounded and we will defend ourselves fully," said Facebook spokesman told CNET.

Citing a report from the Swiss security company, High-Tech Bridge, the lawsuit shows that Facebook scans the link to share in a private message. This scan also happens to share the URL 'Like' from a third party.

The plaintiffs asked the court to prohibit and asked Facebook to stop the practice of scanning URLs in a private message. Both require a loss of $ 100 per day for violations of the Act.

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