InstaB, Applications "Instagram" Special Baby Photos

InstaB, Applications "Instagram" Special Baby Photos | Not a few parents today feel confused to store photo albums "little guy" in the era of online and mobile. Most of them chose to keep it on Facebook, but feel uncomfortable and outdated.

That is the reason why so many emerging applications lately for baby pictures out there. One of them, InstaB, the application which is a combination of Instagram and Path to gather photos from time to time for the "little guy." This blog about Information Technology and The Latest Gadgets.

InstaB combines photo applications and social media, with treats and semi-automatic photo look familiar to other applications such as InstaWeather or StoryCam.

If InstaWeather displays the weather forecast, InstaB pages present a picture of a baby from day to day based on the date, baby's mood, and he was counted per day.

To be more interesting and colorful, the application also borrows features InstaB LINE, namely Sticker. Live download, then you can put the stickers on the
photo to make it more attractive and "talk." You can also purchase additional stickers funny if you like.

Judging behind the scenes, InstaB application developed by startup companies from Malaysia, StrongByte. "InstaB launched in March 2013. Currently, InstaB already installed by 16,000 users in the world," said Tang Tung Ai, founder and CEO of StrongByte, cited Tech In Asia, Monday, January 20, 2014.

Application is done by three people recently overhauled massive for iOS version 7. While InstaB Android version has also been released, but has not been overhauled. Features and zoom is still the old version.

Want to have? You can directly download it on iTunes and Android Play Store

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