Nintendo Affirm Not Glancing Mobile Platforms

Nintendo Affirm Not Glancing Mobile Platforms | Rapid mobile device industry was not a guarantee to attract the caliber of Nintendo's gaming industry to set up a mobile game. Although known as one pembesut and manufacturer of video game consoles phenomenal, mobile platforms apparently have not been able to attract Nintendo. This blog about Information Technology and The Latest Gadgets.

Media from Japan, the Nikkei, Nintendo had to proclaim that interested in setting up a mobile game. But in a chance as reported by Engadget, Nintendo CEO Satoru Iwata flatly denied the news.

Companies based in Tokyo, Japan, as it is known is preparing a mini game with characters and new hardware. But Iwata ensuring the new game is not intended for mobile platforms.

Iwata calls the mobile gaming sector is currently not a priority for them. People assume that Nintendo's number one mobile gaming is not targeting gamers segment, but wider audience and is considered contrary to the basic principle that companies often create special products for the gaming enthusiast.

Software not made by Nintendo made available on the device for smart, Iwata also ensure there are no plans to offer mini games besutannya later to be accessed by mobile devices. Smartphones and tablets are called instead of the selected one of the ways Nintendo for a promotional event.

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